
April 15, 2012

7 reasons why this week rocked.

uno. On Thursday April 12, 2012 at approximately 1:00 p.m. I left my last and final class of the entire semester. Of the entire year. Of my entire undergrad life. mind blown. And I also happened to be quite pleased with my hair on this fine day.

2. On Tuesday I picked up my cap and gown. And I was happy they weren't purple, because I just don't really like purple to be honest. And then I was thinking "Well black is kind of lame, but I guess not everyone can wear pink caps and gowns."  But then my little brain got going and I thought, "Tosh, you are going to look just like a Hogwarts student." And at that point, I knew my life was complete.

And just a side note, one time I told Clint that I was always jealous of the people who got to wear all the chords at graduation in high school, and he responded, "Ya, well, they were jealous of your social life." Well guess what, Clint? Now your wife is the one without the social life. And those chords are looking cool as ever.

Three. Remember back when I posted about Shine? Well, I was a little bummed because I didn't really know how we were going to continue the project since I am moving. But we found a home for all of the donated dresses at the high school that inspired me to start the project (read all about the project and high school here). Thank you again so much to everyone who donated. I will still be taking dresses up until the week we move (around the middle of May), so if you have any I am sure the high school would greatly appreciate them!

numero 4. Taylor Swift put this picture on her instragram. Do you know what it is? It's her working on her new album. That's what. I.can't.wait.

five-izzle.  I went to a Harry Potter birthday party (don't judge) with some girlfriends that I haven't hung out with in a long time. and it was fabulous. And for me, there is really nothing like hanging out with old friends. Truly.

excuse the awkward pose.

6. Remember how I said that I made my own graduation announcement? Well this is it and I got to send them out this week. Sorry I blacked out my name because I think you are a stalker. Just kidding, but you know, just playing it safe here.

These were just little inserts that went with the announcement. 

sevy. For some reason, Facebook forced me to get a timeline. And I was kind of annoyed, but then I looked through all of the posts, pictures and memories from previous years and I was amazed and beyond grateful for the life that I have and for the awesome, inspiring, loving people who are a part of it. So thank you to every single one of my family and friends who make my life what it is. Seriously. I love you guys.

I hope everyone had a fabulous week! I miss my celeb posts. So guess what? I have one comin' up for all you celebrity creeps out there. xoxo, Natasha


  1. Omg love your announcements! PLEASE tell me what kind of program you use to do that?!!

    1. Oh my goodness you girls are too nice. Thank you so much :) Shannon I used Adobe Illustrator and then for the "graduate" part, I wrote it and then traced it on a tablet that my sister in law has.
